Tit for Tat - Books!

Four bedraggled book enthusiasts travel from town to town – forced between the margins – on a mission to protect literature.

The libraries keep closing, their beloved books are being forced out into the streets, where the rain is heavy and the sun is getting hotter! But with the membership numbers of their strange little book club dwindling, they must embark on a quest to recruit more radical reading enthusiasts. Without new members, the book club might be closed forever! (you make take a moment to gasp in horror)

These Hardback Heroes can’t let such a tragic epilogue come to pass… but they need you. Yes, YOU. You can already read – so we’re halfway there.

Location: Market Square, in front of the The Guildhall in Cambridge. Here!

Time: 12pm & 2pm (40 min show) on Sunday 25th August!