Fraser Hooper - Funny Business

After a glittering career in menswear Fraser Hooper gave it all up to become a clown. Thirty years on his unique brand of award winning comedy has delighted thousands of audiences at nearly every major street, theatre and clown festival worldwide. With a nod to the great silent clowns he uses mime, audience participation, slapstick and eccentric dance in hilarious shows that delight all ages wherever he plays.

Our festival favourite” - The Times UK

"He teases his giggling audience and the more he takes the mickey the more they laugh. A most charismatic clown.” - Time Out UK


Location: Market Square, in front of the The Guildhall in Cambridge. Here!

Time: 11:30pm & 2pm (60 min show) on Saturday 24th August!


Location: Christ's Pieces, Cambridge. Here!

Time: 11:30am & 2pm (60 min show) on Sunday 25th August!