Markmark Productions - The Maniax

These two buffoons are a modern day Laurel and Hardy, appealing to everyone who loves a bit of silliness involving escapology, chains and padlocks. Hands on audience interaction and daft comical shenanigans create mishaps along the way. The jokes come thick and fast and an intriguing 8ft high locked box plays a key part (so your audience can see the live action) …that’s if they can find the key. The race is on!

This classic street show has been performed all over the world. Twice winners of the prestigious ‘Street Show of The Year’ award this is a hilarious, spectacular comedy performance that always pulls huge crowds. Based on an amazing Houdini style escape the show is packed with stunts, illusions and great comic routines.

Location: Market Square, in front of the The Guildhall in Cambridge. Here!

Time: 1pm & 3pm (40 min show) on Saturday 24th August!